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How much will the sessions cost?


The first initial session including on going sessions cost £45 for morning and afternoon appointments and £50 for appointments after 6pm.


How long does each session last?


Each session including the first initial session will last for 50 minutes.

How many sessions would I need?


The number of sessions depends on what you are coming to counselling for. I offer long term therapy which can last for up to two years and I also offer short term counselling which lasts for 12 weeks.


What is the difference between Psychotherapy and Counselling?


There are many simularites but psychotherapy tends to go to a deeper level than counselling to work on a more deep seated and enduring issues whereas counselling is often focussed on a specific problem.


Is counselling confidential?


Professional ethics regarding good practice require that your sessions are strictly confidential. This will be discussed further in the first initial session.


If you feel that counselling is something you would like to consider, please feel free to make contact by either telephone or email to arrange a mutually convenient time for an assessment.

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Ashley Lowings BA (Hons) Counselling,
DipHE, MBACP Registered

Tel: 07941 499 211 


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